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Report Fomat



Report Fomat EmptyPosts : 346
Points : 623
Likes Received : 119
Join date : 2013-05-21
Charmander Pikachu Psyduck Squirtle
Please use the following format to report players that are farming their alt characters.

Topic Title: (Include the date and time that it occurred so other people can add to the report instead of having multiple topics for the same seige)

Date/time: (Please use the server time for this so it can easily be figured out from every ones perspective as everyone has different time zones)
Farmer: (Character that was doing the farming)
Characters Farmed: (Character/s that were being farmed)

Siege log: (The full siege log, either uploaded to pastebin and linked or put into a spoiler comment)

##1 - Posted Fri Dec 27, 2013 10:24 pm

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