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Trials of Mazradon: FightForFreedom



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Trials of Mazradon: FightForFreedom  EmptyPosts : 1445
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Join date : 2014-01-22
Trials of Mazeradont:

Dark-Baron Clan
Novel Series

Base on the experience of Mazey

"Electro-Pulsating Particle has been successful with its Area of Effect."
"Good," Thorsard steps forward in watching the world below, being ripped apart from the devasting alien weaponry. "Inform, Chaos and Plague, that they are requested."

The market town once again fills up with carts of selling goods,being scattered along the gravel-dirt road. Cart shopkeepers' voices begins to fill up the air, in shouting 'Buy food! Buy Armor! Buy Weapons!', as wondering shoppers glares in seeing what's good on the market sells.
In the far background of the market town, flags of many colors and symbols hangs loosely down from their iron arm posts, in marking the surrounding area as the Caravan Guilds. Shouts of laughter and shouts of challenges roars loudly from deep inside the Guild Taverns as the time goes on in the civilized mortal culture.

##1 - Posted Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:49 pm

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