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AFK FARMING! EmptyPosts : 5
Points : 13
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Join date : 2015-06-05
This person should get banned and all her account for AFK Farming there's already too much Farmers and she cheats her way out of it.

##1 - Posted Wed Jun 24, 2015 1:22 pm


AFK FARMING! EmptyPosts : 743
Points : 352
Likes Received : 84
Join date : 2014-07-01
Songrichan wrote:This person should get banned and all her account for AFK Farming there's already too much Farmers and she cheats her way out of it.

We cannot give him a sanction of ban immediately as we need to follow what's in the rules -

Rule 7. If you are caught looting/AFK-Farming, you WILL be outed on sight. If you are a continuing offender, you will be frozen for an hour and/or banned for one day. Further offences will result in maximum of 3 day ban.

Since this happened awhile ago and as his first offense, I already gave him a warning for it. If he continue doing so, then a one day ban will be given, followed by a heavier punishment if he won't stop. Anyway, thank you for the report.

##2 - Posted Wed Jun 24, 2015 4:20 pm

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