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Hi mazey fanatics'zz



Jr. Member
Hi mazey fanatics'zz EmptyPosts : 11
Points : 21
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Join date : 2015-01-31
Hi, just wondering if you have time to check the seige arena, is there anyways that you guys can make a bigger area in siege area?

If there is, that would be awsome.
It's just, if you've notice that if 7guilds will join that would be 35 players inside of it. And the area "for me", is like so small to hide/jump. To small of chance to fight back, so i'm just wondering if there's a chance to make it bigger area would be cool. Well that all for now, and i'm waiting for those players will response for this thank you.

##1 - Posted Thu Feb 19, 2015 4:02 am

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