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Hello, please i need your attention for a moment .



Hello, please i need your attention for a moment . EmptyPosts : 3
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good dear friends, I am one of his players DemenTe .. not long ago my mind was Banned by my ignorance of not reading the rules and realize that sharing things from other servers flyff prohibited, and given that I I did not know that rule other player took advantage of my situation and I report to the forum and my account was Banned, I'm Latin and I'm a player 100% online, Please I want to appeal to your softer side and ask them to please unlock my account, because that account was to a large pointed level of being FD, it was very hard to take her to that level please I hope will be comprehenders and my return, they would making someone very happy .. no more what to say thanks for your attention, anciosamente will wait your answer thanks.. ATT: DemenTe

##1 - Posted Sun Aug 09, 2015 1:47 am


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Hello, please i need your attention for a moment . EmptyPosts : 1605
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Note that upon patching the game, you can easily read the game rules. In addition, most, if not all, private servers have at least one rule that is common to them all; trading items to other servers is prohibited.

#Moved to Punishment Appeal

##2 - Posted Sun Aug 09, 2015 2:55 am


Hello, please i need your attention for a moment . EmptyPosts : 3
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good my dear friend, I acknowledge that I made a mistake and was unconsciously, as I am Venezuelan my language is Spanish and not fluent in English so I use translator and could not read the rules, hear believe that everyone deserves a second chance, as I said I'm Latino and mazey love my guild flyff even went up to level 45 esforse hear me a lot and spend a lot of time to this server with all my heart I think I deserve another chance.

##3 - Posted Sun Aug 09, 2015 11:20 am


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Hello, please i need your attention for a moment . EmptyPosts : 11
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so i cant have my account back? on what i just said

##4 - Posted Sun Aug 09, 2015 4:42 pm


Hello, please i need your attention for a moment . EmptyPosts : 743
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Hello there. First off, thank you for admitting the mistake and violation you commited as usually not all are like that. However rules are still rules and we need to follow the server's policy. Before playing any game, one should always read and understand the rules first. Unfortunately the ban will not be lifted. We need to be fair to everyone and can't bend the rules for one. I hope this answers any question you have in mind.

##5 - Posted Sun Aug 09, 2015 6:57 pm

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