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Say hello to my New Haters



Jr. Member
Say hello to my New Haters EmptyPosts : 11
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Dear Client's of mine,

To my Buyer/s this is just a false alarm, maybe new or maybe not, well i am Wyth/Styx as known as Dp seller=RP/MQC .

This guy are accused me for scamming or some sort of that, well I'm not.For the Gm's/Admin/Mod, you'll need to see this images then do what is Right, i put my name in a good way, but this guys are ruining it, I am not affected with this matter, but to my buyers i am, my reputation is on the line in here so i need justice for this. For Jerrard i hope you've recieved already my e-mails so thank you guys.

Not a big fan of Surrender

##1 - Posted Fri Feb 05, 2016 1:03 pm

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