Right now, only recolors/ adding pictures to things can be done by me. (And stealing models. )
You can still request stuff, but I am inactive.
Feel free to make re-texture requests! Request anything you like and I'll let you know if it's possible.
Right now, only recolors/ adding pictures to things can be done by me. (And stealing models. )
You can still request stuff, but I am inactive.
- Original Post:
- I like editing, that's about all there is to it. If you'd like me to try editing something, throw me your idea and I'll let you know if it's realistic. Otherwise, enjoy some edits of mine. Or don't, that's cool too. The female sets have been done for a while, I just started making male sets/ adding counterparts to them. I've done this for quite a while, but a few PC crash and burns deleted a lot of work which made me pretty unmotivated for a while.
- News:
Update: (5/17/2017)
Posted this post! Not like anyone uses the forums, but maybe that'll change.
- How I do it:
- ________________________________________________________________________________
What I use:
CSViewer, Official FlyFF, paint.net, and Spotify (gotta' have my music).
How I use it:
Once you get CSViewer, you link its directory to official FlyFF (you need to patch it before CSViewer will work). Now, you can go to the "Clothing" tab and mess around with some set combos, or just hit "Randomize" in the first tab if you're absolutely unsure of what looks good.
When you mouse over some part of fashion in CSViewer, it's going to give you two file names in a pop-up description. The first file will have ".o3d" at the end. This is referring to the model or "skeleton" of that piece of fashion. The second file is going to end with ".dds" and this is the "skin" to that skeleton. It's what puts color on the model. You can imagine the .o3d as a bare clay model and the .dds as paint to make it look real.
Once you find the part you want to work with, launch paint.net. I have to run paint.net as administrator to save edits. To do this, just right click the "paint.net" icon and "Run as Administrator."
Now with paint.net open, press Ctrl+O (or click "Open") and go into official FlyFF's folder, then into "Model," then inside of "Model" there's a few folders involving textures. You only need to open the one that JUST says "Texture." Type in the .dds's file name for the item you have in mind, then open it and you can begin editing!
You need to save after each change you want to view, then in CSViewer you need to click "File" then "Reload Flyff Resources" and voila! You can see what you've done. Sometimes I'll stand around in-game and see something that sparks an idea, sometimes I'll base a new recolor off of a new color of an old thing, and sometimes I surf through things on CSView and make it up as I go. Don't be afraid to try new things! On paint.net, you can hold Ctrl+Z to undo EVERYTHING from start to finish as long as you haven't closed paint.net, and Ctrl+Y to redo everything all over again. Feel free to make your own showcase or show me what you've done in this thread or in PM.
A few tips:
If you let go of the clicker(?) while recoloring, it'll restart the coloring and look weird if you try to do the other half of something in another go. Just get a steady hand and do that part all in one go.
Putting other pictures on stuff looks cool. To do this, I recommend finding an image with an already transparent background. Copy it, then hit Ctrl+Shift+V to paste into a new layer and to be able to adjust the image. You'll have to hit Ctrl+Shift+F to flatten the image in order for it to save and display properly. This can be undone as well with Ctrl+Z if you want to redo the process. If you paste without the new layer, it will make you rotate your picture and everything under it! Be careful! To make your image transparent, open a blank on paint.net and erase (or use the magic wand) to clean away the background from the edges. If you don't get all of it, it will look funny guaranteed!
If you get better than me, I might have to beat you up! I'm just kidding, it's the role of the student to surpass the teacher. It's the role of the teacher to set them in the right direction before the arrow flies.
On textures that have a transparent background (grey and white squares anywhere on the image), you can erase parts of the image and those things will disappear from the object as well! (Example: Flowers on Chi hair(F) can be erased like on my Green Winter set so that they're not there anymore.)
Good luck, and most importantly, have fun!
- Female Sets:
- Male Sets:
- Matching Sets:
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- Weapons, shields, etc.:
- Requests:
- -Yohio
-John Cena
- Completed Requests:
- -Hip Hop Girl
-Animated Wings
-Paper Bag <3
-White Rabbit
-????? (It's a secret)
-Galaxy print female fashion (Complete)
-All color versions of NFL and Workout (F) shoes (Complete)
-White Bodyguard set(s) (Complete)
- Side Projects:
Anything in here is incomplete by my terms. See disclaimer for additional info.
-Ash Ketchum outfit (M)
-Tampering with NFL (F) shoes to look normal on male characters
-Borrowing models from a certain game that I played when I was young that looks similar to FlyFF
-Pika Fan M/F
Progress on the male set:
Progress on the female set:
-Black&Gold weapons
-Recolors of Sapphire?
-Green fashion for me
(**Disclaimer: At any time I may abandon or COMPLETELY redo anything in this section.)