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Inventory too small? Even extra bags get filled.



Inventory too small? Even extra bags get filled. EmptyPosts : 1
Points : 1
Likes Received : 1
Join date : 2018-02-26
Honestly, personally i think the inventory space even with the two extra bags is not enough space, especially if you dont wanna have to run to the bank every 10 minutes (exaggerated ofcourse).
I would love it if you could add a feature to the inventory, even categorizing it like on flyff (Items/Scrolls&Buffs/Pets/Quest items) or just adding ''More pages'' to the inventory. Honestly, not sure if its possible but i think it would be a great help, especially for collectors that dont want to have to make space in their inventory whenever they wanna open a private shop to sell stuff.

##1 - Posted Mon Feb 26, 2018 2:56 am

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