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admin please Unbanned my account please



Jr. Member
admin please Unbanned my account please EmptyPosts : 10
Points : 10
Likes Received : 0
Join date : 2018-12-05
username : trixiedge1

game name : aiik0gL0VEduHhh

Please help me with my problem, the system banned my account for not reasonable issue,.. i am playing on internet cafe that has 9 PC and they have only one IP address,.. one of the player whose name skyblade trying to scam other player so that the other players went to report skyblade,...i think the system or the admin do banned the IP address including all the player who log in on this area,.. please unbanned my account cause i am not doing any wrong,..please recover my account,..i will wait and hope you do action with my problem and thank you

##1 - Posted Tue Jan 22, 2019 8:37 am

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