Bring the server back to life - Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:11 am

by TheRealist
Of course you're right but let's face it this server is on its way to the ground anyways. Throughout the time I've been here there's nothing but ignorant and people that just don't listen on this server. It's the same thing everytime on the server. People want change but if they don't act now then once there's only a few people left then they are going to try and do something but it's gonna be too late once they do. Flyffs days are basically over but this server has potential I know it does. You lvl up, farm, get your gear. Then what? Servers are moving forward and mazey is basically staying in one spot. They are fine with how comfortable they are and that's just wrong. But if they don't want to do anything just let it be at the end of the day it's going to be the ones that were in charge that didn't do something. I keep hearing certain people don't have "the time" to do something or log on. But that's just full of crap. If you don't have time then don't simply be a gm or etc.. We need active people and ones that actually WANT change, not just keep it the way it is. #timeforachange
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