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Reworkings/revamping suggestions



Reworkings/revamping suggestions EmptyPosts : 1
Points : 3
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Join date : 2014-05-09
short and easy to understand:

for seraphs/rm:
1.can you make the merk no cd? + can be inserted in the action slot? anyhow it cant be use on the rc farming areas so i guess it wouldn't affect that much.
2. if the above statement is approved increase the damage calculation for merk? as far as i know if the skill wasn't edited int only add a small amount of damage in merk.
3. make the seraph buffs castable even not in party. yeah i know why not just party but it was annoying when someone asks you for buff and your kind enough to buff him/her but you still have to partied him/her.
4. make the hero/master skill of rm like weapon mastery of the other class. i know that the seraph was a support character but wouldn't it be nice if we could see seraph in the arena fighting in equal with it's on way? Smile
5. or rather revamps some of the skills so that it could be more of useful in someway specially in pve (im bias to pve iam a pve person type Razz>.< ).

for the sets:
make the sets fair for each class and adjusts the effects according to jobs like the arcs, yeah i know some people do normal attack with arcs using wands or such.(i dont know i read it somewhere in this forum so yeah Razz) but what in the heck would the arcs do with the + critical damage effect? wouldn't it be better if it would have been + pve or sort? so that not only blades dominate the pve boss hunt?

also i dont know if the following would be possible but:

i read about this but im making it again make the nav useful in the dungeons i always lost in the dungeon with a map from google i suck i know sorry.

baruna system upgrade some servers have it if you play them you know what i meant! (the additional stats from baruna upgrades)

and uhh can you bring back the old status window? well to me it doesn't look appealing that my hp/mp/fp where rounded off and see it like 23m 15k 10k or such its a lame suggestion but it is a suggestion wahaha  Smile

i got so much more to which i forgot the others -_- anyhow if i remember them i'll edit this post!

im new to server so you might read or see some out of the theme (of mazey) suggestion but i think this may improve the server!

that's all folks! thankyou if some or all will be implemented and more power! (i am getting fond of the server ^_^ )

##1 - Posted Fri May 09, 2014 2:51 am

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