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I grow tired of this



I grow tired of this  EmptyPosts : 169
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Join date : 2013-07-22
I grow tired of these class updates
all updates are all about weakening other classes to give way to BP which are already op
therefore i conclude this is getting boring and more boring,
once u focus on other class than bp and show off a player skill that pwns bps, they get weaker after the next update

All classes getting more and more underpowered except for bps, for what they were meant to be
like Arcanist being strongest AOE
Harlequin being best on pvp with combo attacks(combo skills are useless with the DI cd+cd of remantis)
Mentalist having best DoT (Scream does 1 damage dot @ times"bug never fixed mentioned many times every each update") and debuffer.
Seraph being best support in game(Breath of fire bug never fixed)
Knights damage lowered and Giving debuff item to debuff reflect not to mention BPs also have debuffs(removes buffs)

whats next?
Lower templars hp?

all roles are now best for bps, theyre the strongest AOE now(spammable AOE spell+stun)
theyre the best on pvp now(1 hit skill+high hp)
They're the best support in game now(perma stun)

i grow tired of these things happening in game, analyze it carefully and see all updates are meant for bp

Many doesnt realize this yet but once their eyes got opened this is a really bad thing for this server.
ill love to mention other server who made these kinds/alike of balance updates that aren't realy balance which caused most player to quit but i wont cuz i still respect this server's rules same reason why i posted this on off topic section, i know a lot of server got too much of themselves that they do balance updates like this just because of donor's comments and requests(though i understands that donor gives this server money for development, it shouldnt be the reason that their suggestion will be over those non donors), and without analyzing things troughly enough.

Thing to say Mazey please read this.
instead of focusing on seeing what happens/outcome ingame(most of them are player related skills not abusing OPness of their class)

please consider the roles of each class should have more, than what happens like/example a non donor arcanist pawning a donor bp.

i find your whole update pretty good and promising, but then i realize most of them are just sugar coat for other characters go underpowered to their roles.

im not saying that u lower the OPness of BPs, theyre fine how they are
Just revert the updates for weakening other class to their supposedly roles.
or just make balances that would be class vs class than class vs bp

i understand that youre the owner and your descision will be the final so take my words as suggestion(just saying).

##1 - Posted Fri Sep 06, 2013 2:55 am

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