I might not know what im talking about but im speaking through experience from playing tonnes of different games, go to task manager, click processes, and end every unnecessary program that is currently running (if you tend to install stuff you will have alot of processes to end) and if you are unsure if a process is necessary to keep your computer running you can always use google. Dont touch anything under the system tab and you can also shut off auto start programs by going to the start up tab and disabling uneccesary programs. Make sure everything is low on your game settings, set antivirus to gaming mode (if it has one) and turn off your stat pet and looter pet everytime you teleport or switch locations. Also try staying at channel 2 if you dont have anything necessary stuff to do in ch1 to reduce the lag due to the number of people staying in town.
if none of those things worked. reinstall + repatch pls