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[Report] User Broke Rule 3/15/17/Common Sense.



[Report] User Broke Rule 3/15/17/Common Sense. EmptyPosts : 2
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Join date : 2015-02-27
So, This is a report for one Fredflap aka ign: GottamDispenser. I just wanted to report this as he himself broke many rules while reporting me for being cocky. Let us break this down into a list of rules he broke and how he broke them.

3.Respect others and staff. Failure to do so will result in a 1 hour mute, followed by a day mute and final offence will result in a maximum 3 day ban.
For this one he disrespects me in the way that he assumes I'm threatening him by joking around and then in turn THREATENING me by admin. That one can or can't be taken which is okay because wait there's more, as Billy Mayes would say.

15. Harassing others (players and staff) is NOT permitted. If caught purposefully harassing another, you will be warned, on second offence it will result in mute for 3 hours, on a final offence a ban between 1-3 days maximum.
Through our confrontation he continued to prod me to get harsh replies out of me which I recuperated because who wouldn't while getting prodded? I didn't take screen shots because I didn't really care but as he has now continued to get me banned, probably for three days, I feel its only just to represent myself. But if you don't believe me check the chat logs yourself.

17. GM Tooling is not allowed. This means telling others something like 'You will get banned/muted because GM is my friend' or 'I can do whatever I want cause I know GMs here and they will be on my side'. It will result with a warning on first offence, followed by an hour mute if continued. Any other offences after this will only extend the mute.
First of all when I was saying mine I said it in a joking tone the fact that he took it as a threat is his own deal but to then reply with a threat of this gm Daily, that shows he purposefully tooled while I was only messing around. I do take responsibility for my actions and respect the punishment it is however only fair he takes responsibility also.

Now this one is a hard one because it's not a written rule, which is dumb, but lets talk about impersonating staff shall we? If you check the chat logs you will see he writes that he is part of the mazey flyff sfx team which is a lie. He then goes on to say he is here to do sfx work for Daily in his report to me which again veers toward rule 17 in the way that he is claiming power by association plus saying he is staff himself.

He then goes and post pictures only of my replies that he prodded out of me through harassment which he even admits to in his report saying this: "But he kept insulting me, while I was looking forward to how long he'd kept that attitude of his. Truth to be spoken, I wanted to make sure it was worth the time to report." But when it's insult based on prodding is it fair that he goes unpunished? Just because he knows Daily from another server?

So as a recap to this, here are the rules broken and punishments posted.
3. 1 Hour Mute/1 Day Ban/ 3 Day Ban
15. Warning/ 3 Hour Mute/ 1-3 Day Ban
17. Warning/ Hour Mute/ Extended Mute
(Staff Impersonations) ?Permanent Ban? I believe so.

So ask yourself this, is it fair I'm on a 3 day ban because I asked him wtf then he cropped it to get me in more trouble. And he gets away with it all because he's BFFs with Daily? After using her as a threat? (Yeah just because you claim it's not a threat after you say it doesn't mean I cant do the same exact thing you do and take it as a threat.) Anyways staff team, look at it and tell me this was handled accordingly and you will see you missed a punishment. I don't mind that I'm punished because I was being dumb. I just think it's only fair that both parties are held accountable. Good day.

Also, Just in case anyone needed, here are the links to who the staff actually are. Fred, you should look too.

Last edited by Awardedm64 on Sat Feb 28, 2015 3:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

##1 - Posted Fri Feb 27, 2015 7:59 pm


Head Admin¦Community Manager
Head Admin¦Community Manager
[Report] User Broke Rule 3/15/17/Common Sense. EmptyPosts : 1563
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I am not 'BFFs' with anyone, he's an old friend of mine, whom I asked to come over and play.
Could you please provide screenshots for this as without it we can't see what happened.

##2 - Posted Sat Feb 28, 2015 7:09 am


[Report] User Broke Rule 3/15/17/Common Sense. EmptyPosts : 2
Points : 4
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Join date : 2015-02-27
Daily wrote:I am not 'BFFs' with anyone, he's an old friend of mine, whom I asked to come over and play.
Could you please provide screenshots for this as without it we can't see what happened.

So I'm going to hit this in sections to make it quick easy and painless.

Green Highlight: He's your friend which used you as a threat even seen in his screenshot.

Red Highlight: If you read my report thoroughly as I would hope you would as staff, you would have noticed this:
Awardedm64 wrote:I didn't take screen shots because I didn't really care but as he has now continued to get me banned, probably for three days, I feel its only just to represent myself. But if you don't believe me check the chat logs yourself.

Blue Highlight: To skip the whole "We cant do or see anything without Screen Shots" I'm going to simply point out the fact that chat logs are saved and can be gone through by the proper authority. Which in this case is not you. So if you have any interest in fixing the wrongdoing and do your job, you would make sure this is looked at properly by the proper person. But as it is your friend we are talking about I would prefer to go through someone higher up such as Grey or Jarrad himself.

So in conclusion to this statement, please don't try to go over my head with this because you think you can save your friend. I'm not reporting this to you I am reporting this to the staff which you are just a fraction of. No disrespect given I just prefer proper treatment of all parties. Even ones that are favored by staff such as yourself. The fact that he claimed to be staff is enough to push permanent bans, as it has happened many times in the past here. If you don't believe me simply look at the perm banned locker list. Also, just to get this thrown out there, I am not here to get anyone permanently banned I am simply here to point out unjust treatment to the players by staff. Ie; the staffs negligence to actually look into the case matter. Good day, Daily.

##3 - Posted Sat Feb 28, 2015 3:27 pm

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##4 - Posted

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